Monday, August 11, 2014

Another trait is a trait or trait aggressive

Another trait is a trait or trait aggressive cannibal attack other chickens. Aggressive nature can be reduced by the selection and use any cage litter. In addition, the aggressive nature can be reduced with the use of ration with high crude fiber, reducing the population density in the cage and makes cage is not too bright. He said that the cage is not too bright during the day agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayacould be a curtain enclosure.
Solutions For Profitable Livestock Native Chicken

Chicken farming village still use traditional cultivation technology and not as expected and have low productivity. Therefore Prof. Ejeng suggested that development should be a local chicken farm agribusiness. The changes that need to be done is the farmer must choose between eggs and meat businesses separately.

Maintenance of local chickens as agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaproducers of meat / eggs intensively through improved maintenance management (feed, vaccination, cage), an increase in business scale and capital can generate additional income for farmers greater.
This specialization can be done especially in the area around the big cities, as is starting to evolve. But for remote rural areas is still a combination of maintenance systems to produce hatching eggs or egg consumption and chicken pieces.

If the pattern of chicken livestock management has done well then it is not impossible chicken farming would be an economic resource for the community. Not only is it a commodity chicken products can be exported. But all of them need repairs ranging from breeding cattle business, post-production to maintenance. Good luck Indonesian farmers. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya(#livestockreview)

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Ways Native Chicken Good Livestock, Livestock agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaGains Native Chicken, Increase Productivity Native Chicken, Chicken Intensive Livestock, Livestock Native Chicken
111 Responses to How To Native Chicken Livestock More Profitable

     hamid favors says:
     May 23, 2013 at 10:18 am agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya     I am interested in village poultry in the garden itself and please give advice how sales after the chickens are old enough.
     Selling the free market stall or a collection of business who want to buy?

The most important thing in preparing rations for village chickens should pay attention to the nutritional needs of the chicken crude protein (CP) of 12% and metabolizable energy (EM) of 2500 Kcal / kg. For a given amount of feed for chicken chicken adjusted for age itself, as follows:

     7 grams / per day until the age of 1 week
     19 grams / per day until the age of 2 weeks
     34 grams / per day until the age of 3 weeks
     47 grams / per day until the age of 4 weeks
     58 grams / per day until the age of 5 weeks
     66 grams / per day up to age 6 weeks
     72 grams / per day until the age of 7 weeks agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
     74 grams / per day until the age of 8 weeks

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